About Us


WARES was birthed out of the years of desperation for quality education robotics components close to home. As robotics students turned educators weโ€™ve worked with many students and teachers, and we are all after one thingโ€ฆ accessible components.

So, we are here to lower the barrier for everyone, with the best STEM education products at the lowest prices.


Who are we? Harry and Robert. Based in Perth, Western Australia, we have been passionate about engineering since day one. Both beginning our engineering journeys in our childhood with projects and competitions, we have fostered a love for STEM within ourselves.

Our journey began with the profound impact that our own STEM educators had on our lives. They inspired us, guided us, and set us on a path that has been both fulfilling and successful. We believe that every student deserves the opportunity to experience the same kind of transformative education that we were fortunate to receive.

We are here because we believe in the power of education to change lives. By offering the best tools and resources, we aim to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and thinkers. Join us in our mission to make STEM education an exciting and integral part of every student’s journey.

Contact us:

Our inbox is always open. If you have any questions or concerns or just want to chat feel free to email us: sales@warobotics.education


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